Archive for » March, 2020 «

About me

My name is Vincent Andersen with the height of a small man which is 162 cm. I am a 21 year-old guy majoring in English Literature at Binus University. Ever since I got into college, I find fiction stories more entertaining especially when you read it. When you read, you feel like you’re there with the characters in the story, experiencing their events, seeing what they see. That feeling led me into the thought of my interest in writing a story. At first, I had no confidence in writing a story since I never wrote one. However, my best friend encouraged me to at least try write it in notepad or something and make a draft. I used my own real life story as my first story since my high school life was full of drama, though that’s according to my best friend. I used to dream of having my own book published. Wouldn’t it be cool to see your story entertain or at least catch people’s attention?