Archive for » November, 2020 «

Current Issue in ELT

            English Language is one of the most important language in the world. Not only because it is literally the universal language, but also how long it has gone from the history of time itself. When people hear other people speaking English as their second language, they are seen as a professional and an intelligent. However, the journey to get there is not as easy as it sounds. Why, you might ask? The answer to that question is because there are some difficulties in the process of English Language Teaching. People think it is easy to teach the English Language, yet they do not know how challenging it is to get students to actually learn the language.

            One of the biggest issues in English Language Teaching is the classroom management. In general, it has always been difficult to manage a class especially if it is filled with huge number of students. With COVID ruling over the world, everyone is forced to use technology to do their activities including school. There are a lot of software that can help this process happen and schools have already used them to connect teachers with the students so that they can still get some knowledge through group video call, or as they call it video conference. This means students have to use their smartphones or laptops to join the class and this has definitely backlashed.
Research affirms that the onslaught of smartphones, videos, and social media is influencing our brains, consciousness, and certainly on our attention span. In the language learning classroom, this translates into students incessantly checking their phones and using a number of mobile apps to displace meaningful learning.  (Lorimer, n.d.)
I have seen a student using her laptop as the hardware to connect herself to the online class and in the background, she is playing with her phone and not paying any attention to the class. This online class mechanism just makes students even lazier and less focus on the subject at hand. Although this does not only relate to English Language Teaching, but it is how the situation of a classroom nowadays. Manage a classroom have always been difficult but without having the ability to see the physical figure of the students, it is even more difficult to manage which will eventually lead to ignorance of the students towards English Language.

            Fortunately, there are some solutions for this problem. For example, asking the students to turn their camera on at all times to supervise them during the lecture and to make sure everyone gets the lesson. Although, this solution is not 100% effective but it is one step closer to a better learning environment.