Archive for » October, 2020 «

Career Dilemma

            People keep saying that hobby and passion are two different things and how you should not mix those two things up. However, what if you are not certain about your passion? All passion starts from a mere hobby, does it not? The biggest question we all are wondering is, ‘How do we tell the difference between those two?’ Yes, It won’t feel like work if your line of work is based on your hobby or at least has something to do with your hobby but for those people who are struggling about what kind of job do they want, what kind of career they want to pursue; because this is not a choice-based game where you can replay the choices until you get the life you desire, no this is real life.

            I am often told to be clever person just because I have my sheer of knowledge of the English language. While it may be true that not all people can speak English fluently, especially when its role is as a second language, but that alone is not enough to get yourself a comfortable and desirable job because English is no longer a rare thing to learn as how most schools have English as their second language. I have always loved creating stories in my head, though most of them are just alternate versions of my past like how different would it be if I had not done this or if I had done that instead of this and so on. I tried making a draft of my own story that is based on my life and posting some of them in ‘Wattpad’, which of course is completely flawed as a story and I got a lot of constructive criticism from my friends. However, I did enjoy the time I spent on my story. Those late nights where I just stared at nothing but thin air were exciting because I got to reminisce my past and put it in a blank sheet of paper so that I can read it again and again.

            I know that I am million miles away from being a writer, let alone a good one. However, if I could get the chance to be one, I would definitely like to be one. I have my English language background to help me write my stories in English so that my audience can be worldwide, not limited to Indonesian. I also see myself as an imaginative person because whenever I go out, I find myself creating scenarios of stuff that are currently happening like a couple arguing in a restaurant. I turn that into a scenario where the man picked the fight on purpose so that the lady would get thrown off and the man can finally propose to her later at their first date location by the bridge while the moon shines upon them.

            People kept saying, “Being a writer is not a job, you won’t get compensated enough to live by” and sometimes I feel like that is true because the competition is fierce and there are like tons of good writers out there. This is exactly why I chose writing as just my hobby or something to do on the side. Choosing a career is hard, especially in this difficult time with the economy crashing and all.

Helping You Improve Your Work Ethics

It’s no wonder that we have experience in the working-world whether it’s just a mere exposure or actually living in it. No matter if you’re a child or an adult, you must be getting some work-related experience from your parents, or maybe from school. Maybe you’re asked by the school to sell some bread to gain some income in order to complete your school project. In order to successfully selling out all the bread, you need work ethics, and without you even knowing, you already had some work ethics because let’s be honest, you can’t just come up to people, offering your bread, and hope the customer just take them off your hand. No, you need technique and skills in order to do that and that applies to your work ethics. With how things have been going for the past few months like COVID-19, people have been struggling to find any work especially because they can’t get out of home. The most popular question asked by new worker and even old ones is, “How do I function efficiently by working from home?” and that is plausible because you have to communicate with others, having meetings, negotiating, all of them through a single screen on their gadgets. Just because you’re working from home, doesn’t mean you can behave as if you’re at home outside of your work-time. You still need to maintain your work ethics to make sure you won’t be one of them who are forced to be let go because of the economy.

You may be thinking, “Well I’m always on every meeting sessions and I always do the tasks my boss gave me, how much more do I have to do to show that I’m serious about my job.” That all can be justified but most people do all of this in their pajamas; some of them don’t even turn on their cameras. I’m sure most of you think that since they can’t see your whole body from the screen, it’s okay to wear pajamas to work meetings, and that is exactly the wrong mindset you’ve been having. Just because you’re at home doesn’t mean you can wear anything you like during work meetings because you need to respect your superior and coworker by maintaining the dress code of your workplace. The next point is punctuality. It’s pretty clear that you should never be late when it comes to work whether it’s working from home or from the office, especially from home because you don’t need to waste your time with traffic and driving. Unfortunately, some people still think this is not big of a deal because their bosses or supervisors don’t mind. With this mindset, you’ll curse your own mind by having this behavior in every workplace you will ever be. By showing professionalism, your act tells your boss that you can be left with more responsibilities which will lead to better position which eventually lead to more money.

In a workplace, there are bound to be different people, with different race, different backgrounds and different personalities. We have to respect each other by being tolerant with one another whether it is about their social life, their work ethics or even their religions. Most workplace has toxic community within them by having ignorant people and disrespectful people. By being tolerant, doesn’t mean that you have to support their choices regarding their lives, it just means that you accept them without judging them and build a peaceful and rewarding environment of a workplace.
By showing these work ethics, giving a positive image to your boss isn’t so hard anymore. With these, one can no longer buy their way out by saying things like, “I don’t know how to behave in this kind of setting.”

Work Professionally, Get Paid Professionally